On the 3rd and 4th of July 2023, the consortium of the MED1stMR project gathered in Zurich to prepare for the field trials that will start at the end of July. During these field trials, the developed technology and the associated training program will be tested by over 200 rescue and emergency paramedics from all over Europe. They will train in 1-week training sessions at 6 locations and provide feedback to the research and development team.

Hosted on the premises of the technology partner Refense AG, small groups tried the system and the newly developed features. The feedback given aimed to finalise the scenario script for the virtual triage training and check the procedures for the field trials. Moreover, trainers from all over Europe got familiarised with the MED1stMR system operation to be ready for the next 6 months. The research partners kept fine-tuning preparations for the scientific aspect of the field trials. For more information on the field trials see here: https://www.med1stmr.eu/field-trials/ or follow us: https://www.linkedin.com/company/med1stmr/