Annual General Meeting

According to its statutes and following its legal obligations as a non-for-profit organisation registered in Belgium, JOIN invites its members once a year to a General Assembly – the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Traditionally, one of the members accepts to host this meeting.

Apart from its legal nature, the AGM provides an excellent opportunity for members of JOIN enterprises to learn about the latest internal and external developments in the network, update each other on activities in their own organisations, exchange ideas and opinions and develop new (JOIN) projects together. The AGM is also a forum for decision-making processes including the presentation and discussion of ideas and positions. Finally, it is also a more than suitable platform to establish and deepen personal contacts within the JOIN network. As an important opportunity for networking and exchange of good practices, the General Assembly has become a focal point for the continuous development of cooperation within JOIN.

The last AGM took place from 24th to 26th May in Budapest, hosted by Johannita Segitö Szolgálat.

From left to right: Dr Robert Brandstetter (Austria), Joachim Berney (JOIN Office), Dieter Meyer (Germany), Mark Broughton (JOIN Chairman, England), Petra Grell-Kunzinger (Austria), Christian Velten-Jameson (France), Dr Panos Constantidines (Cyprus), Floor van Dedem (Johanniter Orde), Thomas Vorwerk (Switzerland), Susan le Jeune d’Allegeershecque (Most Venerable Order of St John), Frederik Ahlefeldt-Laurvig (Denmark), Dr Sarah Vecchione (Italy), Prof Graziella Kainich (Italy), Dr Grzegorz Giemza (Poland), Dr Ingo von Voß (Johanniterorden), Dr Davide Laetzsch (Italy), Nancy Kestler (Germany), Mario Di Gennaro (Germany), Melanija Grundšteina (Latvia), László Porcsalmy (Hungary), Dr Michael Frendo (Malta), Richard Webber (England), Andrew Grech (St John Malta), Eva Pelgen (JOIN Office).