
Go to the website of the Johanniterorden

AddressFinckensteinallee 111, 12205 Berlin
Phone+ 49 (0)30 230 99 70 -241
Fax+ 49 (0)30 230 99 70 -249
ContactAlexander Baron v. Korff (Chancellor of the Order)
Date of Foundation1538
Legal StatusNon-Governmental Non-Profit-Organization

The Balley Brandenburg des Ritterlichen Ordens Sankt Johannis vom Spital zu Jerusalem is commonly known as Johanniterorden.

Charitable works:

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe (JUH)
Johanniter-Hilfsgemeinschaften (JHG)
Johanniter-Schwesternschaft (JoSch)
Johanniter GmbH with hospitals and care centres
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe in Österreich (JUHÖ)

Go to the website of the Dutch Johanniter Orde

AddressLange Voorhout 48, 2514 EG Den Haag
Phone+31 (0)70-3649922
ContactChristiaan van Nispen tot Sevenaer (Secretary)
Date of Foundation1909
Legal StatusNon-Governmental Non-Profit-Organization

Read the Annual Review 2021/22 here.

Go to the website of Johanniterorden i Sverige

AddressJohanniterorden i Sverige, Box 24 172, 104 51 Stockholm
Phone+46 8 664 40 20

ContactRichard Kuylenstierna
Date of Foundation1946
Legal StatusNon-Governmental Non-Profit-Organization
AddressIgnaz-Köck-Str. 22 – 1210 Wien Austria
Phone+ 43 1 470 70 30
Fax+ 43 1 470 40 30 3979
ContactDI. Johannes Bucher, President / Petra Grell-Kunzinger, Executive Director
Date & Place of Foundation21st June 1974, Vienna

Legal Status

Non-Governmental, Non-Profit-Organisation


  • Ambulance rescue, transport and medical services
  • Civil protection
  • First Aid training
  • School transport
  • Transport and services for handicapped people
  • Social services
  • Home Care, palliative care
  • Alarm and communication service for elderly
  • Youth work

Statistics (2021)

  • 32.114 rescue and emergency operations9
  • 3.715 medical transports
  • 5.951 assisted transports
  • 12.491 persons trained in
  • 1.086 courses (first aid and emergency medical aid)
  • 1.990 participants in the home alarm service
  • 32.529 visits of the mobile palliative team
  • 96.040 hours of service by volunteers

Other (2021)

  • 608 volunteers
  • 511 employees
  • 158 community servants
  • 4 divisions
  • 124 vehicles
  • 270 beds for homeless people during winter
  • 52 apartments in retirement homes

Read the activity report 2022/23 here.

Read the annual review 2022 here.
AddressSt John Street 6 2063 Strovolos – Nicosia P.O.Box: 24721 1303 Nicosia
Phone+357 220663950
Fax+357 22662411
ContactPanos Koutourousis, Chairman
Date & Place of Foundation14 July 2005 Nicosia
Legal StatusRegistered charity and company limited by guarantee
• First Aid training
• youth work
• training of trainers
• exchange of volunteers
Statistics (2018)
  • People trained in First Aid: 1623
  • First Aid courses offered: 177
  • Independent Brigades: 1629 persons

Read the activity report for the period 2018/2019 here.

Go to website of Johanniterhjælpen
AddressLindholtvej 4, 4440 Mørkøv, Denmark
ContactLieutenant-Colonel, Count Frederik Ahlefeldt-Laurvig
Date & Place of FoundationIn 2013, Johanniterhjælpen was founded by the Danish Subcommandery of the Johanniter Order as a forum for the Order’s humanitarian/charitable work in Denmark.
  • voluntary work
financial support of social projects:
  •  “Morgencafé for Hjemløse” in Copenhagen aims to reduce homelessness and improve living conditions for socially vulnerable people. The project provides a “health room”, where a number of volunteer doctors and nurses assess people’s situations, recommend further treatment and follow up on the ongoing treatment course.
  • Saint Petri’s parish council’s children’s help for Bulgaria enables disadvantaged children to go to school, often reaching beyond primary school. 

Read the activity report 2023/23 here.

Go to the website of Johanniter Finland
AddressRitarikatu 1, 00170 Helsinki, Finland
Phone+358 40 5026400 or
ContactEric von Troil, International Liaison
Date & Place of Foundation30 July 2010, Helsinki
Legal StatusRegistered non-profit association


  • Humanitarian aid and relief work to the elderly, sick and needy
  • First aid and CPR training
  • Ambulance service
  • Disaster relief
Statistics (2021)
  • First Aid training to 6.063 teachers and pupils
  • 5 public events and one commercial event (Espoo Rantamaraton) assisted by healthcare students from a university of applied sciences
  • Within the JOIN Volunteer Swap: received 2 volunteers from England

Read the activity report 2021 here.

Address60 rue Rodier, 75009 Paris – France
Phone+ 33 6 74 86 32 39
Fax+ 33 1 45 22 25 23
ContactEmily Gardair, Director
Date & Place of Foundation1960 in Paris
Legal StatusAssociation Reconnue d’Utilité Publique


  • 9 hostels for parents, out-patients and day-patients at the Hôpital des Diaconnesses de Reuilly (Paris), Hôpital Necker (Paris), and Central Hospital (Montauban), in La Clairère, La Croisée, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes and Saint-Loius
  • Logistics for the transport of insulin to Madagascar. Clinic for Diabetes treatment and health centre in Madagascar
  • Association of hospital visitors (La Visite à l’hôpital)
  • 400 volunteers
  • 30 employees
  • 500 registered donors
Other Projects:
Association of hospital visitors (“La Visite Saint-Jean”)
Program of help and mentoring for students “Fil Rouge”
Summer camps for people with disabilities
Financial participation for youth camps in other countries
New 16-bed establishment to accommodate outpatients (1,500 people each year)

  • Read the newsletter 2020/2021 here
  • Read the activity report 2021 here
Go to the website of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.
AddressLützowstr. 94 D – 10785 Berlin
Phone+ 49 (0)30 26 99 70
Fax+ 49 (0)30 26 99 74 44

Volker Bescht (President), Jörg Lüssem, Thomas Mähnert, Christian Meyer-Landrut (Members of the Board of Executives)

Date & Place of Foundation14th January 1952, Bad Pyrmont

Legal Status

Non-Governmental Non-Profit-Organization


  • Rescue, transport and medical services
  • National disaster preparedness
  • First aid training
  • Transport and services for handicapped people
  • Social services
  • Home care
  • Alarm and communication service for the elderly
  • Youth work
  • International humanitarian assistance and development aid

Statistics (2021)

  • 777.311 rescue and emergency transports
  • 2.940.233 transports for people with restricted mobility
  • 237.003 participants in-home alarm service

  • 212.727 people trained in first aid

  • 186 civil protection units

Other (2021)
  • 46.147 volunteers
  • 28.979 employees
  • 1.211.878 registered members

Read the full annual report 2021 of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. here.

Read the activity report 2022/23 here.

AddressVáci utca 62-64 H – 1056 Budapest
ContactLászló Porcsalmy President, Hospitalier tel: +36-1-266-91-30 fax: +36-1-266-91-30 eMail:
Date & Place of Foundation1989, Budapest


  • Humanitarian aid in and outside Hungary
  • Support of social, health care and educational institutions
  • Disaster management
  • Psycho-social emergency support

Social care:

  • projects tailored to the needs of special target groups (people suffering from Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis)
  • day care centre
  • Youth work
  • Medical services:
  • patient transport
  • event coverage
  • primary care

First Aid

  • first aid programme for young people at secondary schools and universities
  • trainings for mothers, teachers, children
  • first aid duties
  • Camps
  • groups from all over the Carpathian Basin
  • camps for special target groups

Statistics (2018)

  • 3 full-time employees
  • 4 half-time employee
  • 90 youth members
  • 300 volunteers
  • 5 vehicles
  • More than 1100 people trained in first aid
10 local divisions in Hungary: Budapest-Central, Budapest-Belváros, Budakeszi, Csenger, Hatvan, Hódmezövásáhely, Kelet-Ormánság, Mátészalka, Szombathely, Terény
6 local offices abroad (former Hungarian territories): Csíkszereda (Romania – Transylvania), Kárpátalja (Ukraine), Kolozsvár (Romania), Nagyvàrad (Romania), Somorja (Slovakia), Szabadka (Serbia).

Read the activity report for the JOIN AGM 2022 here.

AddressRegistered Office: via San Lazzaro, 19 – 34122 Trieste, Italy;
Offices: via Mezzasacca, 1/a – 33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy 
Phone+39 3467236691
ContactGraziella Kainich, President; Davide Laetzsch, JOIN delegate; Sarah Vecchione, JOIN delegate
Date & Place of Foundation27th September 1977, Trieste
Legal StatusNon-Governmental Non-Profit-Organisation


  • Rescue service
  • Transport and medical services
  • First Aid training
  • Transport of handicapped people
Statistics (2016)
  • 129 employees
  • 1046 volunteers
  • 176 vehicles
40 local associations mainly in northern and central Italy: Friuli Venezia-Giulia (7), Veneto (8), Piemonte (15), Liguria (2) and Lazio (2).

Read the activity report for 2022 here.

Go to the website of St John Eye Hospital Jerusalem
Address4 Charterhouse Mews, London EC1M 6BB
Phone+44 20 7253 2582
Fax+44 20 7253 2612
ContactIsla Richards, Director of Fundraising
Date & Place of Foundation1882, Jerusalem


  • We are the only charitable provider of expert eye care in the East Jerusalem, the Old City, the West Bank and Gaza.
  • Our services include Hospitals in East Jerusalem, Hebron and Gaza, clinics in Anabta and the Old City (Muristan), and a Mobile Outreach Programme which serves remote areas of the West Bank
  • Our Residency Programme and School of Nursing Programme trains local doctors and nurses, investing in the shattered local infrastructure
  • Our Jerusalem Hospital is the first Palestinian institution to receive the prestigious Joint Commission International accreditation, a standards award recognising the Hospital as achieving the highest standard of patient care
  • We work with Israel’s world-renowned Hadassah Medical Center to provide doctors with otherwise unattainable training in Ophthalmology, as well as setting an example of cooperation
   Statistics (2021)
  • 134,574 patients were treated (regardless of race, religion, or ability to pay)
  • Over 6,500 major operations were performed
  • 266 employees in the Hospitals and Clinics
Presentation of St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group (pdf, 4 MB, 2018) 

Read the annual report 2021/22 here.

Go to the website of Svētā Jāņa Palīdzība 

AddressCēsu iela 8, Rīga LV 1012
Phone+37 167 33 92 65 and +37 17 33 91 90
Fax+37 167 33 92 45
ContactMrs. Melanija Grundsteina, Executive Director
Date & Place of Foundation29th March 1993, Riga


  • Distribution of relief supplies to people in need
  • Soup kitchen
  • Distribution of clothing to people in need
  • Transport of handicapped people
  • Care at home
  • Two day care centres for people with dementia
  • Youth work
  • Provision of family assistant and of assistant companion
  • Organisation of summer camps for disabled children


  • Distribution of 600 soup portions every day
  • 25 volunteer members
  • 260 staff

Read the activity report 2021/22 here.

Go to the website of St John Malta

5, Independence Square, Valletta, VLT1520

Phone+356 2124 5740
Mobile+356 9945 5769 / +356 7924 5740
ContactMr. Andrew Grech, Commissioner (Rescue) & Corps Commander
Date of Foundation1888


  • First Aid Training
  • Firefighting Training
  • Water Lifesaving Training
  • First Aid & Ambulance Cover
  • Fire Prevention Cover
  • Water Rescue Cover
  •  130 active volunteer members
The St John Council is the governing body of the organisation. Under the Council there are three branches headed by three Commissioners:
  • St John Training
  • St John Ambulance (First Aid & Nursing)
  • St John Rescue Corps
St John Training was founded in 1882 as the first branch of St John Ambulance formed outside of the United Kingdom.
St John Ambulance (First Aid & Nursing), was formed in 1909. Their First Aiders provide assistance, whilst carrying out public duties. First Aid & Nursing also provides the government with first aiders, as well as a small fleet of ambulances.
St John Rescue Corps was formed in 1986 to provide fully trained and organised volunteer rescuers who can support the national civil protection services. Its members are trained in the field of urban search and rescue, firefighting and water rescue. The Rescue Corps also provides its services at national events and large public gatherings with its standby emergency fire and rescue services.

Read the activity report 2022 here.

Go to the website of Johanniter Nederland
AddressLange Voorhout 48 NL 2514 EG The Hague
Phone+31 70 3649920
Fax+31 70 3561137
ContactKatinka Kersting
Date & Place of Foundation18th December 1974 at The Hague as: Stichting Werken der Johanniter Orde (etc.) renamed March 1, 2001 to: Stichting Johanniter Hulpverlening
Legal StatusNon profit foundation (Dutch: Stichting)


  • Volunteer Groups in hospitals, nursing homes, homes for the handicapped, shelters for the homeless, daycare centres, private homes,etc.
  • Individual accompanied holidays for handicapped persons
  • Holiday weeks for groups of handicapped elderly people
  • Holiday weekends for small groups of handicapped young people
  • Volunteer training
  • Active participation in national volunteers organisation and travel for handicapped people


  • 4.380 volunteers
  • Five holiday weeks: 120 guests to holiday trips and events
  • 707.300 hours of volunteering per year
  • 60-80.000 people reached per year


  • 7 employees
Read the activity report for 2020/21 here.
Go to the website of Joannici Dzieło Pomocy
Addresspl. Wolności 11, 11-100 Lidzbark Warmiński
Phone+49 502691626
ContactDr. Grzegorz Giemza
Date & Place of Foundation17th May 2004, Warsaw
Legal StatusNon-Governmental, Non-Profit-Organisation
  • first aid training 
  • medical support at public event
  • youth work
  • summer camps for handicapped people
  • establishment of a SEG supply unit
  • 4 divisions and 11 subdivisions
  • more than 600 members

Read the Activity Report 2018 of Joannici Dzieło Pomocy here.

Go to the website of Johanniterhjälpen
AddressP.O. Box 24172 S-104 51 Stockholm Sweden
Phone+ 46 8 66 44 020
Fax+ 46 8 10 57 60
ContactsPontus Hedberg, Responsible for JOIN Affairs / Carl Reuterskiöld, Chairman of the Board
Date & Place of FoundationApril 2005, Stockholm
Legal StatusRegistered Non-Profit Association company registration number: 802422-9620


  • Fundraising
  • Volunteer projects
  • 1 staff
  • Approximately 600 volunteer members
  • 100 volunteers trained in First Aid and equipped with a defibrillator

Read the activity report 2021 here.

AddressTheaterplatz 7 CH – 3011 Bern Switzerland
Phone+ 41 44 381 63 20
ContactThomas Vorwerk, President, Titlisstrasse 37 CH – 8032 Zürich
Date & Place of Foundation1962, Switzerland
Legal StatusAssociation; Non-Governmental, Non Profit Organisation; operational in Switzerland, with financial support in all countries


Regional level in Switzerland: social services 
  • Support of participants of religious services in hospitals and nursing homes
  • Support for the reintegration of drug addicts
  • Support of a playground for homeless children
  • Management of a Care Centre for homeless people
  • Promotion of organ donation and fight against organ trade
  • Support of ‘Villa YoYo’, 18 kindergartens, playgrounds and protected areas for children of immigrants’ districts of large Swiss cities
International level: Financial support of projects related to the Commandery e.g.:
  • Financial support of health centres in Madagascar, in collaboration with the French Commandery
  • Management and financial support of a nursing home and a school for unprviledged children in Romania
  • Financial support of the prject ‘Arpegio’ in Truchillo (Peru) aiming to socialize unpriviledged children by playing music instruments
  • Financial support of the construction of a new maternity ward in South Sudan, in collaboration with Johanniter Germany
  • Support of the Hospital Saint-Louis in Aleppo (Syria)
  • Organisation of numerous transports of material for hospitals and schools, mainly to eastern Europe
  • 6 Sub-Commanderies: Basel, Bern, Geneva, Neuchatel, Vaud, Zurich
  • 110 Knights
  • 80 volunteers

 Read the activity report 2021/22 here.