Paris, France, 12th April
On 12th April, representatives from Austria, Denmark, Malta and the Netherlands were hosted by our French member in its main office in Paris. Johanniter Germany and the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group participated online.
The day began with two presentations on the calls for proposals of the European Social Fund and on the Christmas Trucker organised since 1993 by Johanniter Germany.
This was followed by a discussion on Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) Reporting. An increasing number of companies will have to meet new reporting rules in the coming years and this constitutes an opportunity for JOIN members to raise their profile.
Each participant also gave feedback on new fundraising activities taking place at national level.

In the afternoon, a presentation was made by Johanniter International Assistance on institutional donor funding programmes. The St John Eye Hospital gave an update on the situation in Gaza and the whole region and presented its response strategy to the devastating conflict. Participants explored possible ways to support our member from Jerusalem.
Finally, the Fundraising Working Group discussed which activities it should focus on in the future, while the JOIN Office gave an update on its latest activities.