Budapest, Hungary, 24th to 26th May 2024
The JOIN Annual General Meeting 2024 took place in the Hungarian capital and was hosted by Johannita Segitö Szolgálat. Nineteen delegates from St John enterprises across Europe met to discuss a broad spectrum of topics.
The first day began with our Chairman, Mark Broughton, outlining the activities of the Board and the network over the past twelve months. He highlighted the publication of the Young People First Aid Manual, the record year of the Volunteer Swap programme, and the humanitarian aid for Ukraine provided by all JOIN members. He then presented the outputs of a survey completed by all members, which allowed for lively discussion of common interests, issues and future strategies. Mark Broughton also announced that he was stepping down from the board. Christian Velten-Jameson, Vice-Chairman, will take over as Chairman until the end of the present board’s mandate at the AGM in 2025. Mark Broughton is becoming an Advisor to the board. The delegates unanimously approved the co-optation of Friederike von Bar to the JOIN Board.

This was followed by presentations from the working groups providing more detailed information about their activities. The Head of the Clinical Working Group (Richard Webber) circulated a printed version of the Manual on ‘European First Aid for Young People’. He also showed a draft version of a first aid story for children dealing with hot and cold, as well as a draft review of the European First Aid Guidelines published in 2019. All these documents will be made available to the public at
The PR, Marketing & Communication Working Group (chaired by Petra Grell-Kunzinger) set the ground for discussion on its future strategy. Delegates welcomed the record numbers taking part in the Volunteer Swap programme organised by the Volunteering & Youth Working Group (chaired by Nancy Kestler). Finally, the Fundraising Working Group (chaired by Frederik Ahlefeldt-Laurvig) reported on new reporting directives for larger companies and NGOs, as well as fundraising campaign for our member from Jerusalem.
Two further presentations were given by Dr Ahmad Ma’ali (St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group), outlining the humanitarian response to the current situation in Gaza and the West Bank, and Thomas Vorwerk (Swiss Johanniter), providing an update on the Alliance Orders Charity Cooperation Group.
On the second day, the delegates gave an overview of the general activities of their respective charities within the past twelve months. The work of the Brussels Office was outlined by Joachim Berney, our General Manager, who provided detail of its activities while highlighting the results of the EU-funded research project called MED1stMR. Franziska Wolandt (JOIN Office) presented the ongoing TeamUP research project.
Finally, after what was perceived by all delegates to be a successful AGM, a last tour de table provided the opportunity to offer feedback and suggestions for the coming years.
The AGM 2025 will take place in Malta from 23rd to 25th May.