JOIN Annual General Meeting 2020

Due to exceptional circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic, a formal Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held online in order to comply with the Belgian law.

The AGM began with our Chairman, Johannes Bucher, outlining the activities of the Board and the network over the past twelve months, followed by comprehensive financial information by our Vice-Chairman, Christian Velten-Jameson. All delegates warmly approved the application of St John Malta to become a member of Johanniter International. The delegates also unanimously approved an amendment to the Articles of Association adding ‘Scientific Research & Development’ as part of the main activities of JOIN and its member organisations.       

If circumstances permit, we hope to keep organising the meeting (or informal AGM) planned in Cyprus from 23rd to 25th October 2020. A final decision will be taken in August (latest).


From left to right:
First row: Elsa Pacella (JOIN Office), Eva Pelgen (JOIN Office), Chairman Johannes Bucher (Austria), Vice-Chairman Christian Velten-Jameson (France), Joachim Berney (JOIN Office). Second row: Hubertus von Puttkamer (Germany), Panos Koutourousis (Cyprus), Pontus Hedberg (Johanniterorden i Sverige), Mark Broughon (England), Andrew Grech (Malta). Third row: Dr Ahmad Ma’ali (Jerusalem), Melanija Grundšteina (Latvia), Richard Kuylenstierna (Sweden), Lidwien van der Reep (The Netherlands), Stephan Beschle (Most Venerable Order of St John). Fourth row: Eric von Troil (Finland), Birte Hilbert (Germany), Thomas Vorwerk (Switzerland), Dr Grzegorz Giemza (Poland). Fifth row: Dr Ian Greaves (England).
Not in the picture: Alexander von Korff (Johanniterorden), David Dahdal (Jerusalem), Prof Graziella Kainich (Italy), Dr Davide Laetzsch (Italy), László Porcsalmy (Hungary).