Brussels, Belgium, 28th February
In view of the escalating situation in Ukraine, the JOIN network has already released important resources to provide immediate emergency relief to Ukrainian refugees. Our Hungarian member is directly involved on the ground at the border with Ukraine and has already received equipment and supplies from Johanniter Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Moreover, our Polish member is in close contact with the municipalities at the border to monitor the situation.
In Hungary, Johannita Segitö Szolgálat is transforming its own facilities to accommodate refugees in Terény (accommodation for 120 people) and in Mórahalom (accommodation for 30 people). With the help of Johanniter Austria, Germany and Switzerland, which are organising road convoy, our Hungarian member is bringing military tents, bunk beds, mattresses, blankets, bedclothes, towels, food, locker cabinets, cleaning material, detergents, washing powder, disinfectants, soap and shampoo, and different medical supplies to the Hungarian-Ukrainian border and to Ukraine.
Furthermore, Johannita is helping municipalities nearby the border with beds, mattresses and other relief goods. The refugees are placed in community houses, sports halls and schools. The government booked all the hotel rooms and pensions in the vicinity of the border to accommodate refugees.

Johannita Segitö Szolgálat is also in permanent contact with local Ukrainian authorities and churches to define the needs of those who stayed in Ukraine. Based on the simplified customs procedure for humanitarian transports, our Hungarian member transports the goods to the central military warehouse, from where they will be distributed to Ukrainians.
In Poland, Joannici Dzieło Pomocy is in close contact with the municipalities at the border to monitor the situation. Our Polish member plans to send their relief goods as soon as the needs are clearly defined.
The overall situation is evolving hour by hour, and you will find on this webpage the latest information concerning the JOIN members. The immediate solidarity towards the JOIN members involved on the ground shows the strong links uniting the JOIN network.