Paris, France, 4th – 6th March
Following the decision to start drafting a First Aid Manual for Young People last October, the JOIN Clinical Working Group met in Paris. Delegates from Cyprus, England, Finland, Germany and Italy came together in the French capital.
During the three-day meeting, our medical doctors developed and reviewed the draft content created so far. Each sentence of each chapter and subsection was further discussed, amended and fine-tuned.

From left to right: Dr Andreas Tanos (Cyprus), Richard Webber (England), Dr Sarah Vecchione (Italy), Dr Reijo Luoma (Finland), Nils Schröder (Germany), Dr Ian Greaves (Chair of the Clinical working group, England), JOIN Chairman Mark Broughton. Not in the picture: Dr Paul Hunt (James Cook University).
The next meeting of the Clinical Working Group will take place in May 2022 in Cyprus, where it is planned to finalise the content of the manual.