From 02 to 03 October, the newly created JOIN Fundraising Working Group came together in Brussels for its very first meeting. Representatives from Austria, Denmark, England, Jerusalem, Latvia, the Netherlands, the Order of St John, Sweden, Switzerland and the JOIN Board met at the JOIN Office. As a significant budget share of many JOIN members relies on fundraising, it was decided at the Annual General Meeting 2019 to establish a new Working Group in this field of cooperation.
The day began with a presentation of each member organisation on their fundraising activities. This was followed by a discussion on fundraising needs and main planned projects to be funded. All existing fundraising techniques were reviewed, and their relevance assessed according to the objectives, capacities and domestic context of each JOIN member.
The second day of the meeting saw participants discussing how to achieve bilateral and multilateral partnerships. It was agreed that the Working Group will aim to share knowledge, experience and best practices on Fundraising, grant management and other related topics. Practical work on common opportunities, such as grants, will happen on a case-by-case basis.
We are looking forward to successful work on fundraising cooperation and new possibilities. All JOIN members are kindly invited to become anytime part of the new Fundraising Workling Group to share experiences and exchange practices.