MED1stMR is developing an innovative mixed reality (MR) training solution and program for medical first responders. Of the keys to achieve this goal is to design the technology in such a way that it can be used intuitively by the instructors and trainees.
The MED1stMR consortium is collaboratively working on an innovative MR training solution for medical first responders since the kick-off in June 2021. In the initial project phase, the requirements and needs from the end user partners were gathered and analysed. Based on the analysis, the technology partners started developing the solution in an agile way.

Mixed reality (MR) solution
The currently developed MR training solution consists of 4 main applications:
- Scenario editor
- Live training application
- Debriefing and after-action review
- Dashboard with statistics and progress about training performance
Advantages of the scenario editor
The current focus of the development is the scenario editor that allows instructors to create virtual environments and adapt training scenarios. It enables easy manipulation of contexts, situation and settings of the scenarios to be trained (type of disaster, victims, injuries and additional stress cues for trainees). The editor is designed as an easy-to-use drag-and-drop application where elements can be selected from a library and placed with keyboard and mouse.
The editor is developed by the technology partner Refense and was provided to all project partners, with focus on the end users, for initial tests. In autumn 2022, a user interface study is conducted to gather feedback on the usability of the scenario editor and draw recommendations for further improvements of the development and simplifications to the interface. The results of the study directly will be integrated in the MR training solution and contribute to an end user centred design.