The Kirchentag 2017 was one of the biggest engagements in the 65 years history of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe Germany. The event was connected this year with the remembrance of the 500 years anniversary of the Reformation. More than 2,300 Johanniter volunteers and professional from all over Germany as well as 3 volunteers from Johanniter Austria came between the 24 and 28 May to support the organisation of the 36th Kirchentag in Berlin and Wittenberg. All together, they delivered about 75,000 hours of work.
Beside first aid assistance, Johanniter offered transport services. 330 members of the Johanniter Youth took care of children and of people with disabilities. All different Johanniter units presented their work at a stand at the Berlin Mersehallen.
On main event sites in Berlin and in Wittenberg, Johanniter provided around 1,400 first aid interventions. Volunteers served 51,300 hours in Berlin and around 19,000 hours in Wittenberg.
The peak event of the Kirchentag celebrations was the festive holy service in Wittenberg. Despite the weather with high summer temperatures, 120,000 visitors gathered on the place of the origin of the Reformation to celebrate this special occasion. 750 Johanniter helped 715 guests. Moreover, 75 patients were transported to and further treated by hospitals or emergency centres.
High-level representatives of Johanniter Germany also gathered for this special occasion. The Herrenmeister of the Johanniter Order HRH Dr Oskar Prince of Prussia, the Chancellor of the Johanniter Order Alexander Baron v. Korff, the President of the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe Dr Arnold von Rümker and many others were present and praised the level and quality of the engagement of our German JOIN member.
“We are happy that the Kirchentag 2017 was a peaceful and inspiring event, without any serious incidents”, said Federal Board member Jörg Lüssem at the end of this unique event and expressed his thanks to all volunteers that contributed to it. “Without your engagement, such a great organisational achievement would not have been possible!”