
Humanitarian Aid in the Middle East

Johanniter International Assistance demands access to the region for humanitarian aid measures and the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Third Field Trial in Östersund, Sweden

From16th to 20th October, the third MED1stMR Field Trial took place in Östersund, Sweden.
Our project partner ‘Region Jämtland Härjedalen’ hosted the training with the mixed reality training solution for medical first responders.

MED1stMR’s Green Manikin

Due to the haptic experience in the virtual environment, MED1stMR decided for a mixed reality (MR) training approach to create a better learning experience for medical first responders.

Second Field Trial and consortium meeting in Heidelberg

The second Field Trial took place in Heidelberg at the facilities of our partner the University Clinic Heidelberg (UKHD). In parallel, on 26th and 27th September 2023, the MED1stMR consortium gathered together for a General Assembly (GA).

Two English volunteers at the EuroPride Parade in Valletta

On the third September weekend, our Maltese member provided medical coverage at the EuroPride Parade and Concert in Valetta. The festivities included a concert featuring Christina Aguilera and the EuroPride March.
St John Malta was joined by two English volunteers who supported the festivities.